Neelum Aftab
Neelum is a practising artist based at Backlit studios in Nottingham. She started her art practice when she accomplished B.A Honours Fine Art from University of Northampton in 2012. Coming from a South Asian background her artistic practise originated portraying Pakistani culture and society which has taken varied phases over time. She has been particularly interested in portraying groups and culture which has arisen due to her previous degree in Sociology.

Neelum’s work carries transition which can be related to her own phases of life, reflections and thought processes. She indulges herself in that moment and translates her feelings through desired composition and colours in the form of figures/ portraiture. Her favourite pigment is Burnt Sienna about which she says, ‘A pigment reminiscent of ethnic origin, mixes with other colours yet retaining its identity.’
Alongside, Neelum is working as an Art educator for over a decade, she has led a range of art projects and workshops for schools, colleges and art galleries. She thoroughly enjoys teaching art besides working as a practising artist. According to her, Art is a never-ending journey which opens up new ideas to work on whether it’s working on projects with her learners or it’s her artistic practise. It all goes together!